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You are to adopt 2 children from Haiti...What?!

I had been having dreams/nightmares about adoption several times over a period of years.  I never really shared with Hubby my struggle.  We had talked about adoption being a part of our plan but, it would be in the future.  We really didn’t know what it would look like.  I honestly wasn't even sure if I could love a child that I had not birthed!  

I can see how God was preparing us for this all along!  We had a cousin come live with us for about 9 weeks last year and I learned that I could love someone who I had not birthed...fiercely!

After Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, Hubby heard a story on the radio of the devastation and loss of lives.  He said he cried just listening.  As he drove into work listening, he felt God prompting him to adopt a child from Haiti.  By the time he got to work, he felt like God wanted him to adopt 2 children from Haiti!

He came home and shared with me a few days later.  I felt like he had punched me in the gut.  Not now…not yet!  Haiti!!  I don't know where Haiti is!  I began to make some phone calls and do some research about Haiti and what it would take.  In the meantime, God was working on my heart.  At every turn the word “obedience” came up!  Every time I opened my Bible, read a book or did Bible study with the kids, the theme was obedience.  I talked to my friend about this crazy idea and my fears and she told me I had to be obedient.  There was that word again!  Then one night I was at the ball field with my oldest and one of the dads and I were talking.  We chatted about nothing in particular but he stopped and said to me.  Tonya, I just feel like I need to tell you to be obedient!  My hair stood up.  The color drained from my face!  OK God!  I hear you.

I talked to Hubby about all that God had been working on in me and he agreed we needed to go meet with the adoption counselor.  We did and were scared to death.  We hear the words HIV, sexual abuse, troubled…It was terrifying!  We left there very uncertain that God really wanted us to do this!
The very next day I read this…When you decide to live a totally surrendered life, that decision will be tested.  Sometimes it will mean doing inconvenient, unpopular, costly or seemingly impossible tasks, It will often mean doing the opposite of what you feel like doing!  Bam! 

We were notified by out adoption agency that they had a deal that if you applied before the end of the year, they would wave the $500 application fee.  We had also set aside a tithe from some unexpected money that we had gotten. It turned out that this was almost the exact amount of money we needed to start the process!  Did I mention that adoption is terribly expensive? 

We filled out the application and were ready to sign & mail.  Hubby told me to go ahead and sign his name but, I insisted he read over the documents.  Well, he did and was convinced we were not ready…don’t have the money, etc.  I remember standing with my toothbrush in hand talking to him.  I have no idea what I said…it was God talking, not me.  I said something about us possibly needing to have to sacrifice in order to grow.   It may cost us money, time, etc.  But, God is very clear of our direction and we have to be obedient.

That was the day before Christmas eve and I had somewhere to be.  In order for our contract to get to the adoption agency in time, we would have had to mail it that day but, he wasn’t going to sign so, I left it at home.  When I returned, he had it signed and ready to mail.   We put it in the mail on Christmas eve and I received word on Dec. 27th that the agency had received it!  What?!  Is that possible?  God was even looking out for us in saving $500!  Amazing!

The paperwork began.  In the meantime, I was notified by my librarian that there was a family in our community that was looking to adopt a child from Haiti also and she put me in touch with her.  Again, God was providing!  Another family in my small community would have a child from the same country as ours…how amazing is that!

It seems every time I turn around, I meet someone who has been to Haiti or knows a missionary in Haiti.  I see God’s sovereign hand everywhere!

The cost to adopt 1 child from Haiti is $40,710-$49,454!  That is for 1 child.  It could double for 2!  Wow!  I don't know about you but, we don't have that kind of money!!  So, we are going to have to pray!  We have to pray that God will provide the money we need to adopt.  We need to pray that God will provide the patience we need to adopt.  It is a very long process to adopt from could take 3 years just to get matched with children!

We believe that God has called us to adoption.  He has 2 children in Haiti that will be in our family!  We are choosing to be obedient!  We don't know if we are ready!  We don't know where the money will come from!  This is not a nice, neat little package!  We just know that God said, Do it!   

Please be in prayer for our family!  Pray for our children in Haiti!  Pray for God's provision!

We have to raise some funds in order to submit our dossier (a LOT of paperwork) to Haiti!  It will cost about $10,000!  We have already paid about $5000.  In all, we need to raise about $50,000!  That is a LOT of money!  So, we are doing several fundraisers to raise money!    

1 - We have a Pure Charity account set up so that people can give cash and get a tax receipt!  The link for that is  

2 - We are having a pancake breakfast & silent auction at our church in October!  If you are willing to donate any items or make any items for us to sell in order to raise money, please let us know!  Our family is working on several craft projects...wood signs, key fobs, etc. to sell!  If you would like to help, please feel free to contact me at

3 - We have this really great t-shirt (designed by our friend Caroline!) that we are selling for $20/shirt!  If you would like to order a t-shirt, just send me an email ( with the sizes that you want and I will direct you how to pay!  They come in teal blue or lime green!  I will be happy to mail them!

Thank you in advance for your help!  




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